1: Stop Flying - Nobody really needs to fly! STOP SPREADING
Why re-infect or add to areas that are still not hot spots?
2: Stop Non-Essential Biz for 3 weeks.
Workers for Essential Work Only can go to work
3: If YOUNG people don't stop socialize, declare martial law and enforce it.
Enforce social distancing
4: TEST for corona-virus BEFORE blood donations.... CRAZY not too !
5: Get more face masks for all!!!! China has them.
Prevents the SPREAD by infected people.
Nobldy knows who the carriers are !
6: Leaving the house only for essential reasons: Grocery, Drugstores, Doctors.
7: Set up Army Field hostpital, requisition Hotels, Motel all with security for
a) confirmed cases
b) suspected cases
See what China and Asian countries are going and that works (Main page)
1: Payroll tax relieve doesn't do ANYTHING for the unemployed..!
Pay the difference between Unemployment compensation (if any) and what you used to get paid.
Gig workers and sole person businesses don't have unemployment compensation.
2: Prevent Businesses from going under, not just airlines!
Everybody has rent/mortgage payments, utilties etc EVEN if they are closed.
IF they all stop paying, riple effect!
1: Do NOT enforce state and federal park fees.
Cities are shut, let people be outdoors, with distance ! No Car pooling
Valentin Caspaar